(One of the scenic views at Mount Kapayas summit)
Day1 – 09/19/2015 : Travel to Jump Off, Trek to Base camp and Lumanoy Cave Exploration (Part 1/2)
It all started with a survey conducted by our Trekkers President “Tats” on which September weekend we would like to have our Monthly Trekkers outdoor activity.
Most of us had chosen Sept 19-20. Our NCR Trekkers adviser ask if it will be in conjunction with the National Clean Up Day on Sept 20 that our Trekkers Club and NCR Ambassadors had anticipated for few weeks already.
Unfortunately, we were behind of the registration date for the activity and had decided that even if it is not official, we will pursue the clean up drive to one of the mountains in Cebu. Good thing is, one of the Lets Do It Philippines coordinator (Liz Burra) was a member of our Facebook community. She invited us to join them in adopting Mount Kapayas in Catmon and will be having a coastal brgy cleanup after.
NCR Trekkers officers and organizers had an immediate meeting regarding the activity and agreed to join the Summit to Sea Clean Up Drive.
The activity was supposedly for NCR Trekkers only for the reason that it will involve long hours of trekking, camping, etc. But one of our NCR Trekkers member happened to be an NCR ambassador also who suggested that it would be nice to reach out other individuals who share the same advocacy as ours, thus the invitation was extended to all employees. Unfortunately only one non-NCR trekker responded to the call and joined our cause. Its understandable for the others not to join since it will be a strenuous activity ahead for them it they did join.
There was a total of 40 volunteers who joined the cause, 23 were from NCR employees and guests and the rest were from Accenture and individual mountaineers.
Initial headcount for the NCR participants was 34 but due to some reasons, the others cancelled their attendance. We (group representatives) had a meeting with Liz and Cherry prior to the activity for final details and clarifications, etc.
Original meetup on our itinerary was supposedly at North Bus Terminal @4:30AM but on a very late notice (the night before Sept 19, 2015), PENRO had provided us free transportation from Cebu Provincial Capitol to Catmon. We had to contact everyone including the guests that there was a change in assembly place and time. We were told to wait at the Governor’s Entrance in the Provincial Capitol where the 2 buses will be on standby at 4:00AM.
Most of us arrived before 4:00AM, some were a bit early and some were few minutes behind the call time. Upon our arrival, there were no buses on standby, so I decided to check the attendance ahead and distribute our name tags. It was 4:30AM (ETD) and all of the participants were there, but the bus was late delaying our departure to around 5:30M. Supposedly, two buses will be hauling us from Cebu Provincial capitol to Catmon Police Station but only one was available. We’re too many and can’t be accommodated with just one minibus leaving some of us no choice but to ride the FX that was bound to Catmon also by some PENRO associates.
(Name tags distribution and Attendance check)
(Guess they’re excited to have one of these tags :))
We were behind our itinerary by one hour. We arrived in Catmon at roughly 7:10AM, gathered at Catmon’s mini Park and headed to police station across the Park for registration.
(That pink minibus was one of our service bus provided by PENRO)
(The group started flocking in to the Police Station)
We were asked for an ID but most from our group didn’t bring one, we didn’t know that it was a requirement. Someone had not registered, only 39 had written their names in the logbook. The other group confirmed that all of them had registered so I went inside to double check with the police officer if its one of ours since I have the attendance list. It turns out that it was from our group indeed, hahaha. I had also a chance to talk with the Police Officer regarding the ID requirement, he said that they will encourage to have an ID upon registration for security purposes but they will consider for those registrants that had left their IDs of course. Thank you Sir for letting us pass.
(Checking something from our printed itinerary)
(These guys love to pose for the camera while waiting for the registrants verification to be completed)
After the registration, we went to the mini park for the opening of the event. It started with a prayer led by our prayer lady “Welnee” from NCR Trekkers and followed by the message of Lets Do It Philippines Coordinator Liz and a quick background about the LDI Ph’s initiative. next would be the briefing by our Head Guide Kyno, but since he was giving an orientation to the other group the “Tribu Hubo”, we had a short Getting to know each other while waiting. Few moments after, Kyno then announced that we were behind our itinerary that we need to depart immediately and be brief on the jump off instead.
(Short getting to know session with the group and few words from LDI PH coordinator about the event)
(Kyno was briefiing the Tribu Hubo group)
2 rides were provided, an ELF and a mini-dump truck. When I was about to board on the ELF as most NCR Trekkers boarded already, the driver said that the ELF was already full that I need to board to the mini-dump truck with the Accenture peeps and the Tribu Hubo guys and gals with Phi Pi’s Kuya Porter. NCR Trekkers opt to ride the ELF while me and the rest of the gang boarded the other one. Bet I will be so silent for the 1 hour+ trip to the jump off then. 🙁
(The group who boarded the ELF, me at the far end was about to board the mini-dump with Phi Pi’s Kuya Port. Photo Credits to Kring2x)
Hold on tight as it will be a very bumpy ride. Just as I thought, I was silent throughout the bumpy ride, but it was not boring at all, with all the shouting and all the bloopers that I witnessed. Though I literally do not know most of them, the situation opened my mind to blend in and enjoy the spur of the moment with these funny and amazing people around. Guessed it was a bumpy, grumpy roller coaster ride but interestingly elated and fun.
(We were following a very narrow road as we went up the mountainside, we crossed that river too as depicted in the photo. Photo Credits to Kring2x)
After an hour and a few minutes ride, we reached the jump-off at Purok Catang, Can-Ampao. Few minutes after fixing our things, Kyno gave a short briefing and another Prayer by our Prayer lady “Welnee”. Kyno then told us that he will be guiding the day -trekkers (Tribu Hubo group) and they will be commencing the trek ahead of us, and assign us with the remaining guides. At 9:45AM, we commenced our trek to the base camp. The trail was a rough road until reaching a basketball court at Sitio Lumanoy, Brgy Cambangkaya, Catmon, Cebu where we started to follow a narrow trail.
(Arrived at the Jump Off after a bumpy ride. Kyno briefing the group and the photogs behind the scene)
(NCR Trekkers and guests group picture after the briefing)
(Accenture Outdoor Enthusiasts)
(The trek to the base camp has commenced)
First Stop:
Second Stop:
Third Stop:
Fourth Stop:
After 2 hours of trekking and four stops, we arrived near the based camp and had our fifth and last stop at the house just before the base camp to have our lunch. It was still very hot to proceed to the base camp that we opted to stay at the shades of the coconut trees near the house – relax, ate lunch and ordered buko and had some picture taking.
Fifth and Last Stop:
After a while I asked Liz the location of the base camp, and asked if we can proceed in a while to set camp as I am so sleepy that time, no sleep for more than 30 hours already. Liz answered that we can setup camp ahead if we want. I informed our group to move ahead at around 1:00PM so that we can select the camp site that we wanted and they agreed. Our group moved ahead and the others were still relaxing and having some games and followed to the campsite 30 minutes later. My mind really want to go caving but my body does want me to have some rest and sleep. Ah! can I push my body to its limits? It feels like I can’t make it inside the cave if I push through caving in just few minutes.
(At last, we’re done setting up our camp.)
Did I made it inside the cave or did my weak body needs what was due? Find out in my next post! (Part 2/2).